
strange beings

between me and you
have much more
than me and you
what transforms us
what makes us
"another-I" and "another-you"

strange beings

very anything

washing again


anything else

do you have
something different?

on myself
it's me

short texts

other parameters
different visions

discaptures of routine
possibility of cutting
to re-look

with few sounds

isn’t in the words
animals do not speak


the night

the place where they hide
solitary creatures
who prefer not be seen in daylight
bats and owls
manic and prostitutes
anti-social par excellence
the during day they are serious men -
entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, lawyers
false hypocrites ...

all nasty beings
dreams and feared
walking stealthily
like cats

on the different spaces, time alone
only the sound of my footsteps
following me

lights on all night long,
the city rules doesn’t stop
they are living into all the time
to leave distant
his dark, sincere and authentic
leave aside, silent and asleep

predators and prey

parasites sucking blood
disguised as harmless helpers
strategies are used to capture
their prey ...

some of the prey
are seeking disguises to defend
the strongest survive ...

each developed different ways
to defend of their predators
trying to ensure his life

some joining together in groups
against common predators
creating tribes
that generate conflict

sex differences arise
and conflicts
relations between different


key to the interior door

music recorded by olhos raio-x (roney lacerda and bruno carrasco), 11/06/2007, video made by bruno, 2009. www.galhos.net